Monday, May 27, 2013

I first year as a mom!

Surprisingly, I came to this decision to create a blog to organize my ideas and thoughts on a whim and actually acted on it quickly. I say that because I am a detail-oriented, slow decision-maker "kinda" person. My dad bestowed my nickname on me, "Kinda Katie," because I was never SUPER excited or SUPER upset about anything in life. I've always been "kinda excited." :)

With my first post I'll start with the things that I'd like to accomplish most - getting my 14 month old in order for summer and beginning to come back to life after successfully (I think) surviving the first year of having a child and teaching full-time. I can say that I don't just "kinda" love my baby  boy. I absolutely, positively 100% adore him and think he is the BEST thing that my husband and I have ever shared together.

I need more order in our life - ok, I mean our house! While I've never been overly concerned about everything being perfectly picked up and clean, which my husband can attest to since he's the "clean" one, I need some of the organization back in my house, and therefore life, that was here pre-baby.

So, despite the fact that adorable baby boy will grab anything and everything that remains on a low shelf, table, or on the edge of the counter, I need to rid myself of the CONSTANT clutter and create more efficient, functional ways each day to keep things in their place as I go.

This will also take a lot of effort on my part. I'm "kinda" clean/messy on any given day. It depends on my energy level, how inspired I am, and how much time I have. Summer will be much easier than the school year so here I am, more than kinda ready for a more organized household so I can spend more time with my first priority in life - my family!

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